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Our Legacy


Featuring 2019 - 2024

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Image by Thomas William


ReThink Opening on 14 Sept 2024 (16).HEIC
ReThink 2024

European Night 2023



The European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (EuroCham) was established to represent and promote the interests of European businesses in Hong Kong, fostering trade and investment between Europe and the region.


Launch of the EuroCham Business Awards

EuroCham introduced the EuroCham Business Awards to recognize and celebrate the achievements of European companies in Hong Kong, highlighting their contributions to the local economy and business environment.


Expansion of Advocacy Efforts

The Chamber expanded its advocacy efforts, working more intensively on policy issues affecting European businesses, and increasing its influence in shaping trade and economic policies in Hong Kong.


Establishment of the EuroCham Young Professionals Network

EuroCham launched the Young Professionals Network to support and connect young European professionals in Hong Kong, fostering networking and career development opportunities



First COVID-19
Case Confirmed

Hong Kong confirmed its first case of COVID-19, marking the start of the pandemic's impact on the city


17 November

European Banking Council
Banking Working Group

at the invitation of EuroCham and Deutsche Bank, the first meeting of the "European Banking Council - Banking Working Group" takes place.


18 October

First meeting of the European Banking Group - ESG working Group

Senior representatives of EuroCham have selected Yasmine Djeddai, Head of Sustainable Finance for Asia Pacific at Societe Generale and Johannes Hack, Chief Executive of DZ Bank’s Hong Kong branch, as co-chairs of the new working group.


14 December

Let's Get Merry: Christmas Cocktails

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First meeting of the European Banking Group - ESG working Group

Senior representatives of EuroCham have selected Yasmine Djeddai, Head of Sustainable Finance for Asia Pacific at Societe Generale and Johannes Hack, Chief Executive of DZ Bank’s Hong Kong branch, as co-chairs of the new working group.


25 September

On an unforgettable evening at M+ Museum, European Night emerged as a notable event in the annals of community celebration. Held with the invaluable support of guest speakers, distinguished attendees, and generous sponsors, the event transformed a grand vision into a reality. The enthusiastic participation of guests and attendees infused the night with energy and excitement, marking a vibrant chapter in our professional community's history.

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Behind the scenes, a dedicated team ensured the seamless execution of the event, underscoring the power of collaboration and the strength of our network. This memorable night stands as a testament to the impact of shared connections and the promise of future growth and innovation.

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Green Forum

The second edition of the Green Forum brought together around 200 attendees and prominent speakers. Discussions centered on the EU and Hong Kong’s 2050 carbon-neutral goals, with a focus on sustainable finance, green mobility, and circular economy strategies. Keynote speakers included Deputy Chief Secretary Cheuk Wing-hing and EuroCham Chairman Iñaki Amate. Recommendations from the forum were submitted to Financial Secretary Paul Chan to shape future policy.

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Belt and Road Summit

Working at home
Popcorn Movie
Building Facade

The European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is a leading non-governmental organization that promotes European business interests in the region. With over 1,500 members from various industries, we provide a platform for networking, advocacy, and knowledge sharing. Our mission is to foster a favorable business environment for European companies in Hong Kong and the wider Asia-Pacific region. Join us and be part of a dynamic of business leaders.



The European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is a leading non-governmental organization that promotes European business interests in the region. With over 1,500 members from various industries, we provide a platform for networking, advocacy, and knowledge sharing. 

Image by Jakob Dalbjörn


Image by Evangeline Shaw


Our mission is to foster a favorable business environment for European companies in Hong Kong and the wider Asia-Pacific region. Join us and be part of a dynamic of business leaders.


Belt and Road Summit

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